When you were 5 years old, what did you enjoy doing the most? Was it making something? Painting? Singing? Acting? Organizing? Are you still doing it? What are you most known for among your friends, family? What’s that thing you’ve been wanting to do, but are not doing it? Do you have a little voice inside your head encouraging you to try something, but you’re too busy, too tired, too fill-in-the-blank? Why aren’t you doing it? I believe we are all here to share our gifts with the world. It might sound cliché but that’s how I’ve felt all my life but was too afraid to speak it. Now with the connection of social media the message of “becoming you” is more prevalent. Maybe it’s really more about “unbecoming” what we felt we were supposed to do or be.
Have you read the book “Find Your Why?” By Simon Sinek. I think it’s a great read for anyone, no matter what age you are, for finding purpose or meaning in what you do in this world, whether it’s working for yourself or working for a company with a mission YOU believe in or that you resonate with. Life is too short. As of this writing, I’m 47. I’ve spent my life working in different industries, doing different things, and sometimes when I look back, I think, man did I waste my time with certain things. Why? Because I went against my better judgment. I suppressed my interests, because I thought a career in something creative was not reasonable or a career in organizational development and coaching in the 1990’s was too “out there.” It’s taken me decades to work through my own crap and let go what I thought was expected of me. Life changed when I decided to carve my own path. Eventually I did have a career in graphic design and I finally made my way to organizational development. If I can do it, you can too.
What are you waiting for? What’s holding you back? What’s it costing you by not “doing you” as I like to say? Dream a little. Reflect on it. Journal about it. Then please take one step in the direction of your dreams. If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out.