
Once you decide on a goal you want to accomplish, has this ever happened to you?

You think of all the excuses why you can’t achieve the thing. A thousand reasons why you can’t get started. It’s happened to me, many times, for as long as I can remember. I get excited about starting an art project or designing a workshop, then the doubt and resistance pops in. I get distracted. I scroll through the Grams, Facebook, or I go down a rabbit hole on the internet. Sometimes I research something I want to learn more about, and then I keep going. The next thing I know, 4 hours has gone by! Just like that, in a blink of an eye. Where did the day go? I’ll get started tomorrow. Does that sound familiar? I’m best in the morning and I know that is my time get work done. There have been times when I’ll wake up, starting putzing around and take forever to get “warmed up” for my work.

I think this resistance we face is because we’re at the edge of our comfort zone. What do you think? The good news is I’ve come out on the other side. If I can do it, I know you can too. Here’s a few things that have worked to help me get through resistance. Hopefully these ideas will work for you too.

1. Accept resistance will come up no matter what. It’s doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner at something or experienced. Don’t fight the idea. As the saying goes, what you resist, persists. Resistance is a part of life.
2. Consider this: You know you’re on the right path to achieving your goal if you feel resistance. You might be feeling resistance because you’re onto something new and outside “business as usual.”
3. Plan ahead. Get organized. For me, when I don’t plan for the day, I don’t get things done. Then I go into a space of feeling bad and that resistance just keeps running along side me. When I do plan my time and get focused, that’s when I can get into the flow.
4. Not sure what to plan? Just start somewhere. Do you want to put on an art show? Set aside time to paint. Set aside time to look for venues. Set aside time to watch painting videos. Be in action. The action will lead to clarity.
5. In the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, he talks about treating your project, endeavor like a professional. Keep a schedule like your regular job. You can use the ability to power through like you would your “day job.”
6. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and challenge you. I’m more accountable when I share my goal(s) with a friend. You don’t need to tell everyone, but think about sharing your goals with a trusted friend.
7. Keep learning, honing your craft. Maybe you schedule Monday mornings or Monday evenings as “learning days” or sign up for a class related to your project.
8. Give yourself grace. Be patient with yourself. Be consistent. Taking small steps is better than taking no steps.

What you resist persists! You can work through it!

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