Patience & Perseverance

I’m writing this just after the new year 2020. New year, new decade, new intentions. For the past few years I’ve been choosing a word to start my year, based on reflections from the last year. For 2020, it’s patience and perseverance. I couldn’t just pick one word.

As someone who is on the introverted side, a slower pace is more my jam. Last year, I did a lot of things that brought me joy, a lot of things around my artistic side. I worked on my soon-to-be published book. I took some personal development courses. It was a year of “doing” which was exciting and a little bit draining. Some loved ones reminded me that I had “a lot” going on. At first I dismissed the comments but when several people tell you the same thing, maybe it’s time to listen?

For this year, I will be more in the moment; wrap up my open projects; and be more patient with myself. It’s so easy to get caught up these days and compare yourself with those around you. We are so in a connected tech space, where we can see what everyone is doing, I think it can leave us feeling like we’re not doing enough. This year I’m going to focus a little bit more on “being” Remembering that life isn’t a race. Everyone is on their own journey. In time, the seeds we plant will become trees. They do not grow overnight.

What can you do to slow it down and practice patience? Here’s what has worked for me. Maybe they’ll work for you.

1. Get outside. This is my “go to” for anytime I need to slow it down and re-center. When you’re starting to feel anxious or over-worked, get outside. Notice what is around you. Appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. If it’s snowing right now and you can’t get outside, can you get up and just move in the space you’re in? Take a moment and notice your surroundings.
2. Start your morning off with a mantra. “I‘s a new morning, and I am full of patience today. One day at a time.”
3. If you’re working on an important project, baby steps. Sometimes we lose patience because there’s so much to do and we get overwhelmed. Sometimes that stress leads us to be stagnant and the cycle continues. Whatever you’re doing, what’s one small step to move forward. Slow and steady.
4. Who in your life is a patient person? Spend some time with that person! You can learn a lot by noticing.
5. Have you ever practiced yin yoga? It’s a type of yoga where the poses are held for a longer time. It’s a wonderful way to slow things down.

Hopefully one or more of these ideas will work for you. If you want to talk more about these ideas, reach out to me at

New year, new decade! What is your word for the year? Mine is patience & perseverance. Wishing you all the best the new year has to offer.

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