Welcome to my blog zone. I have wanted to blog for a long time, and like many of us who don’t start something we want to, it’s because we’re afraid – afraid what we say won’t make sense, may upset someone, may be ridiculed, or just ignored. Well, I finally let all that crap and doubt go. It took me 7 years to do it. My unsolicited advice: don’t wait. If there’s something in your heart that wants to come out, let it out. See what happens. For me, thinking is the enemy because I over-think. Can you relate?
I titled this first post “You do you” because it’s a lesson I’ve learned over and over again for the past 4 decades of my life. For those of you who don’t know me or follow me, I’m Clarissa. I’m a multi- passionate person. I am not big into labels, so that’s how I like to describe myself. I’ve got my hands in art, coaching, consulting, writing, facilitating, among other things. How do you wrap all that up in a job or career title? If you know, please share in the comments below!
My desire for this website and blog is to be a place where people find community, inspiration, and above all, the courage to act. I’m here for those who need the extra support with coaching. I’m at an age now where people around me are dying. It’s life. I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose. What’s my mission? Simply put my mission is to help others start “doing them” so they can make an impact in the lives of those around them.
What’s your mission in life?
Simply put, MY MISSION is to help others start “DOING THEM”
Set up a 20-minute complimentary clarity call with me
The purpose of this call would be to talk about the challenges you are having, uncover possible roadblocks that are getting in the way and sabotaging your success. You’ll leave the short session renewed and inspired to take action.