When I was a little girl, probably about 4 or 5, I remember visiting a family friend’s house. They lived in a townhome, and I went out to play with the other kids. We had wandered off playing in the leaves. It was a crisp fall in Gross Pointe, Michigan. It was my first time visiting this neighborhood, and when I wanted to go back, I forgot which house was theirs! I was drawn to one house, and I ended up knocking on the wrong front door. I was greeting by an elderly couple who invited me in. This was the 70’s when wandering around as a child was kind of acceptable. This couple gave me tea. Don’t worry, I wasn’t roofied. We talked, laughed, and who knows how much time had passed when I heard a knock on the front door. It was my parents and their friends! I still remember my mom’s face when she saw me. We walked next door to my parent’s friend’s house, oops! I was off by one house but I had such a great adventure.
I recently dropped off a birthday package at UPS and when I left, something caught my eye. A coffee shop I’d never seen before. I loved the galaxy, stars decor. I walked in and it just had a good vibe. Have you ever just walked into a space and felt at home? I ordered a grenade latte and noticed there were paintings on the wall. I asked the barista if they ever rotate artists. No one had ever asked that before! I have an appointment to talk with the owner about possibly getting my work on the walls. I walked out feeling good at the possibility of showing my work in a new space.
This is what I call following the breadcrumbs. If you get an inkling to explore a new place, do it. See where it takes you. You never know! Do you know what I’m talking about? Have you ever had a similar experience? What happened? Never experienced that before? I challenge you to go somewhere with no agenda and see what happens. Follow the breadcrumbs the next time you’re out and about.

Sometimes you need to trust Your heart over your logic
Set up a 20-minute complimentary clarity call with me
The purpose of this call would be to talk about the challenges you are having, uncover possible roadblocks that are getting in the way and sabotaging your success. You’ll leave the short session renewed and inspired to take action.