Introvert. Extrovert. Which term do you resonate with? I’m definitely the former. I loved watching TED talks and one of my favorite talks with with Susan Cain, author of the book Quiet, the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking. Have you seen it? If not, I encourage you to watch it. Not sure where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum? She has a quiz you can take in her book. I have a feeling it can be found somewhere online as well.
I find that the quiet more introverted people tend to have a more calming nature. I’m sure there are cases where that’s not true but it’s my blog and I’ll write what I want to. You can disagree. No problem! Based on my experience and interactions, that’s what I have found to be true.

I am a recovering worrier, and over the years I’ve discovered some tricks to help calm me down and get re-centered. I’d like to share a few with you.
- Conscious breathing. Yes, I know we are all breathing if we are alive, but have you ever just focused on your breathing? How do you do that? Sit in a quiet place and inhale for 4 counts; exhale 6-8 counts. When you inhale did you know your tummy is supposed to fill up like a balloon and when you exhale, that’s when you flatten it down. I think some people still think when you inhale you’re supposed to suck in your gut. Nope! Puff it out.
- Move. When I am finding myself going into worry mode, or when my AppleWatch reminds me to breathe, my heart rate is usually elevated. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I literally get up off my butt and walk. It could be for 5 minutes but I find that moving brings me back to calm.
- Go outside. Have you ever read the book Code to Joy? The author Dr George Pratt talks about being exposed to fractals to help one distress. Fractals are repeated patterns. Examples in nature are leaves, snowflakes, flowers, ocean waves. Experiment. Next time you’re feeling wonky go outside. Try it for 30 days and see what happens.
- Feel the feeling. A friend of mine used to say, feel that emotion! Sometimes you gotta breakdown to breakthrough. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you feel like screaming, then find a place to scream for real. If you’re angry, punch a pillow until you tire yourself out. It feels good and you get a mini workout.
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The purpose of this call would be to talk about the challenges you are having, uncover possible roadblocks that are getting in the way and sabotaging your success. You’ll leave the short session renewed and inspired to take action.