A Note to My Younger Self

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell the 18 year old you? What wisdom would you share?

Dear Clarissa,

Listen to your heart. That little voice inside your head that keeps nudging you to write that blog, paint that painting, reach out to that person, keep following that thread, is there for a reason. When things come up repeatedly, lean in to it. These are whispers from your intuition. Explore. Be curious. Worrying about “doing it right” is just going to delay you and keep you in your box. Don’t be afraid to spread your wings.

All those adults that told you what to do, encouraged you to do a particular thing were all looking at life through their lenses. It’s fine to hear them but don’t let them dictate how you should lead your life. You are going to have to paint your path. Your parent’s job is to keep you alive and safe. In that they may unconsciously keep you down! They only know what they know because of how they grew up. Appreciate their words and them move on.

Seek mentors throughout your life. Learn from those who are doing what you are interested in. Hang out with different kinds of people. It’s fun to hang out with people who are just like you, and it’s even cooler to learn from people who are not like you. They will get you to open your mind to possibilities you didn’t even know existed. While you’re at it, read biographies. I wish I would’ve taken that advice so much sooner. Read about people you admire. Read about people who interest you.

Keep growing. Keep learning about the things you’re interested in. Keep reading those self-help books. They do help. If you’re playing the same soundtrack in your head over and over again; if you feel like you’re just floating in life, that is a signal to go to a therapist. Life is meant to be full of joyous occasions; learning occasions, and if you feel blah, it’s time to go seek professional help!

Above all, you do you. Be a kind human. Share your talents with the world. Lift others up. You’re alright kid!


Now it’s your turn. What would you tell yourself? Give it a shot!

Hindsight is 20/20.

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